Environmental Policy

Hansol Technics is keenly aware of the impact its activities have on the environment. We are dedicated to continuous improvement with the goal of realizing a more prosperous human welfare society. Our commitment involves the development of environmental technologies to minimize pollution and preserve a healthy global environment.

We recognize that environmental considerations in management are crucial factors for the sustainable development of a company. Therefore, we strive to fulfill our environmental responsibilities by operating and continually improving the environmental management system (ISO 14001) as follows.

Establishment of an Environmentally Friendly Management System
Comply with all environmental laws, regulations, company documents, and other requirements.
Prioritizing Environmental Issues
Prioritize all aspects of production, distribution, use, and disposal of products.
Conservation of Energy and Resources
Actively engage in reuse and recycling initiatives.
Active Participation and Cooperation in Environmental Research and Development Projects
Establish environmental goals and detailed objectives for improvement and pollution prevention through continuously improved programs, and implement environmental management programs.
Communication with Stakeholders and Meeting Compliance Obligations
Ensure that all employees are familiar with the environmental management system. Provide data related to environmental policies and performance to local communities and relevant environmental organizations.


1. 환경 경영체제의 고도화. 2. 환경 오염물 배출의 최소화. 3. 폐기물의 최소화. 4. 에너지 보존과 자원의 절약.

'22 Environmental Goals and Focused Promotion Plan

관련 이미지
Advancement of the Environmental Management System
  • Creating an eco-friendly corporate culture by upgrading the environmental management system (ISO 14001)
  • Enhancing expertise through nurturing human resources in the environmental field
관련 이미지
Improvement of environmental pollutants through preemptive implementation of government environmental policy
  • Investment in environmental facilities to reduce air and water pollutants
  • Reduction of pollutants by increasing facility efficiency through optimization of environmental facilities
관련 이미지
Efforts to minimize waste generation
  • Production of products with minimal waste generation from production to disposal
  • Prioritizing the reuse and recycling of the waste generated within the workplace
  • Improving the recycling system through recycling education for members
관련 이미지
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption
  • Improving energy independence through construction and operation of renewable energy facilities
  • Reduction of energy consumption through integrated energy management system

Company-wide Environmental Management Promotion Organization

This is the organization chart of Hansol Technics to promote environmental tourism companies. There are three teams under the CEO. The first safety support team establishes environmental policies and goals, and conducts environmental education and compliance evaluation through monitoring environmental management activities. The second general affairs environment group/public official operates wastewater treatment plants and air prevention facilities, and is in charge of internal and external communication. The third business unit is in charge of environmental impact assessment, environmental risk prevention, and environmental compliance. There are sales team and purchasing team under the business unit, the sales team is in charge of green business sales (solar light), and the purchasing team is in charge of purchasing and estimating eco-friendly green products.

Green Purchasing Policy

Hansol Technics adheres to the following principles during purchasing activities to contribute to resource conservation and fulfill our responsibilities to the users of our products and society through green purchasing activities to protect the environment.

  • 01To save resources, we try to avoid unnecessary purchases and implement an environmental management vision and goals.
  • 02To expand green purchasing, we make continuous efforts to discover products that use fewer hazardous chemicals or are eco-friendly, thereby reducing waste.
  • 03We fulfill our corporate social responsibility by purchasing and increasing the consumption of green products.